Management training in the healthcare sector – rely on your own talents

Institutions in the German healthcare sector are facing serious changes: The baby boomer generation is gradually retiring and taking a lot of knowledge with them from hospitals and care facilities. This applies to physicians as well as specialists and managers in nursing and administration.
One thing is clear: those who believe today that they can meet their personnel requirements tomorrow with external sources will not have much of a future. This is because competition for good staff has long been fierce. The aim must therefore be to provide professional management training in the healthcare sector within the company itself.

Why does management training make sense in the healthcare sector in particular?

“Because clear communication is a matter of luck, especially in German hospitals,” says Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes, founder and owner of Crown Coaching.

Studies and training impart job-specific knowledge. For people in management positions, on the other hand, there is no mandatory training and further education. Sometimes responsibility and leadership are given to those who have the best grades, other times it may be references and a third time it may simply be the fact that it is now this or that person’s turn to move up in the company.

Nursing scientist Renate Tewes is a qualified psychologist, certified business coach and holds a professorship in nursing science and nursing management at the Evangelische Hochschule Dresden (ehs). She has successfully expanded this course of study over the years:

“My goal has always been to qualify people in the care professions as managers through an accompanying course of study. A scientific background and practical experience in healthcare professions are closely linked in this course,” explains Dr. Tewes.

And so it made sense to found Crown Coaching International, a consultancy company to match, which was completed in 2008 and has proven to be the right decision to date. This is demonstrated by the high number of bookings for Crown Coaching’s management seminars and the positive feedback from clients and participants.

Leadership can be learned – with suitable modules for leadership training

First and foremost, leadership development means communication training. And this is something that German hospitals and care facilities struggle with, as numerous studies have shown over a long period of time. Nobody wants to live with these facts in the long term:

  • Patients are dissatisfied and feel (often unfortunately rightly) that they are not taken seriously
  • Managers fail to motivate employees and become dissatisfied themselves as a result
  • Employees feel discouraged and lose interest in their daily work.

At first glance, the consequences of management failure listed here are emotional. A second glance reveals that the economic existence of entire facilities is at stake:

  • Patient numbers are falling.
  • Management staff are looking for other employers in the healthcare sector.
  • Employees cannot cope with the stress and are absent due to illness.

Training for physicians, nurses and administrative staff

This is where Crown Coaching’s management training comes in. And not with a raised index finger, but with training that is fun and makes you want to apply what you have learned and practised in leadership training to your everyday work. Crown Coaching addresses the following target groups:

  • Managers from the medical field
  • Managers of nursing staff
  • and managers from administration.

“One of our goals is to strengthen the interaction between the different professional groups, which is referred to as interprofessional collaboration in technical jargon,” explains Dr. Tewes. “Facilities that have promoted this type of interaction through management training, among other things, are often in a better economic position after a short time. Job satisfaction also increases noticeably in each of these groups,” says Dr. Tewes.

The fact that the situation is unsatisfactory in many places is by no means the fault of the individual managers, according to the scientist:

“In medical studies, communication techniques and social skills are undervalued, and the situation is similar in administrative sciences. However, anyone who recognizes that an investment in management training is worthwhile has already gained a lot.”

Crown Coaching generally trains management staff in the facility itself and in a limited number of groups so that all participants have time and space to develop.

Testimonials from participants

“Prof. Tewes, with your humour you really took me along with you, so that I could also look at unpleasant things in my leadership work. You can hold up a mirror so humorously that you really feel like changing your own (flawed) leadership behaviour. I will definitely tackle the topic I brought up and use the contact with the other participants to get the support I will need along the way. Thank you for your optimism and your genuine interest in my problem, er, I mean challenge of course (laughs).” (Head of Finance from NRW)

“I have to say that I have attended many leadership seminars. I have been in various management positions for 12 years and have been a managing director for 3 years. But this workshop was special. Close to practice, with a lot of knowledge transfer in a playful way and real practical solutions that can be implemented straight away. My expectations were definitely exceeded.” (Managing director of a clinic from Austria)

“Many thanks for the incredible number of practical case studies and solution tools! Solving problems has never been more fun. My toolbox, which I’ve packed for my day-to-day management work here, will soon be bursting at the seams and I’m really looking forward to putting the many things we’ve practiced here into practice.” (Nursing service manager from Bavaria)

Emotionally intelligent leadership is a building block

Crown Coaching’s leadership training for the healthcare sector consists of individually bookable modules with different content and objectives.

  • Leadership & Personality (set starter module)
  • Communication & Collaboration
  • Emotionally intelligent leadership
  • Team development
  • Problem solving & conflict management
  • Organizational development & change management
  • Stress management & job satisfaction
  • Role clarification & professional development
  • Negotiation & meeting management

All details on the content of the modules and the course schedule can be found here.

How can we support you?

Get in touch with us by e-mail to receive further information and book a free appointment. The Crown Coaching team will be happy to provide you with non-binding information on how leadership training can bring tangible progress in your particular organization. It is best to describe your concerns in a few sentences in an e-mail so that our team can prepare for the first telephone call. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes in einer blauen Jacke sitzt im Park und blickt lächelnd in die Kamera.

Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes is a renowned psychologist and nursing scientist with a passion for promoting healthy collaboration and strengthening emotional intelligence in leadership roles. As a coach, she supports her clients with customized strategies to master the challenges of modern health management.

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