Moderation of conclaves

Fresh impetus through external moderation of conclaves, board meetings or congresses
Question: How was your conclave? - Answer: As always!

It’s not nice to receive such a conclusion after a meeting. Because it reveals openly and honestly that you could have saved yourself the trouble of gathering so many participants. Not to mention the cost of the conference hotel. The Crown Coaching team shows that professional and external moderation of conclaves can raise such events to a higher standard. Crown Coaching specialises in the moderation of conclaves in the healthcare sector.

Professional coaches moderate your conclaves, board meetings and corporate events

Expertise from the healthcare sector

A group of professional coaches, most of whom have extensive practical experience in the healthcare sector, came together in 2008 under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes to form the Crown Coaching project.

CROWN is the abbreviation for Clever, Resource-Oriented, Well-founded and Nurturing and is also the concept of this company. It trains and coaches management staff in hospitals and care facilities in Germany, the UK and the USA.

When facilitating retreats, the coaches contribute their practical experience, their qualifications as coaches and their in-depth knowledge of the healthcare sector.

Advantages of external moderation of meetings
  • The members of the corporate management relinquish their role as bosses for the duration of the meeting, do not have to moderate the discussions themselves and can therefore concentrate fully on the content like all other participants.
  • As a timekeeper, the moderator ensures that everyone has an equal and sufficient say. This eliminates what is unfortunately a feature of many conclaves: It’s those who always talk that talk.
  • With an outsider perspective and a wealth of experience from other institutions, the moderator can give the conclave incentives and thought-provoking impulses and encourage the participants to think outside the box.
Christof Düro während der Moderation einer
Positive reactions to the moderation of conclaves
  • The moderator is not involved in current or past conflicts in the company and is not part of any hierarchy.
  • Most participants react extremely positively when a conclave does not follow the usual rules. This can have a positive effect on motivation and the working atmosphere.
  • The moderator ensures that they keep the central theme of the event in hand. It goes without saying that the moderation of conclaves by Crown Coaching employees is discussed in detail and closely with the client in advance.
  • We take a close look at the topics to which the moderator contributes his knowledge and experience and when he should limit himself to moderating. In any case, clients can be sure that the Crown Coaching moderator will be conscientious and well-prepared.

We would be happy to clarify in a preliminary discussion how the moderation of your conclave should be organised. Please feel free to contact us. The Crown Coaching team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please feel free to contact us. The Crown Coaching team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Your moderators

for a structured and effective retreat

These three professionals each offer unique perspectives and methods to make your conclave effective and inspiring.
Ms. Tewes has extensive knowledge of strategic leadership and personnel development, drawing on her many years of experience as a coach and consultant.
Mr. Düro, with his speciality in systemic coaching and organisational development, is particularly known for his ability to convey complex issues clearly and understandably.
Mr. Kuniß, an expert in the areas of change management and team development, impresses with his practical and motivating approach.

The external moderation of conclaves is an important first step in order to be well-positioned in the future and to be able to shine in comparison with other institutions. The Crown Coaching team looks forward to your inquiry and moderating your next conclave.

How can we support you?

At Crown Coaching, we specialize in empowering healthcare leaders. To find out how we can support you in your role, we invite you to contact us. Please describe your request briefly in your e-mail. This will enable us to prepare for an initial telephone call with you. We look forward to getting to know you and working out together how we can achieve tangible progress in your institution in particular. We will get back to you as soon as possible. The Crown Coaching team looks forward to hearing from you!

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