Leadership training

Training for the healthcare sector
The training at a glance:

Target group: Managers from the healthcare sector; interprofessional approach.
Training approach: Entertaining and practice-oriented with a scientific basis.
Individual training: Modular training system with individual customization.

The basic module “Leadership & Personality” as a basis for further modules.

Description of leadership training in a modular structure

Variety of methods, self-reflection and activity

This management training is aimed at nursing staff, physicians and administrative staff in the healthcare sector. It is essential for developing specialists internally, strengthening communication and counteracting the loss of knowledge due to retirement. “Entertaining and participatory” is the feedback I get most often at the end of our management training courses. My work with managers should not only be scientifically up-to-date but also interesting and applicable.

To ensure that this remains the case, I use a variety of different methods in the training sessions (online or face-to-face), which we try out in practice. Self-reflection on one’s own skills is just as important as the willingness to actively participate in the training.

Materials to reinforce the training content

You will receive the necessary materials by e-mail, as a link or in the form of a bibliography, so that you can follow up and deepen the respective workshops with enjoyment.

Thereby the training participants themselves determine which leadership behaviour they want to change and coach each other on their topics.

Interactive media and short instructional videos are used, as well as scenic work in groups, case discussions and peer consultations.

Seminar participants sit at individual tables and listen attentively.

Teilnehmer:innen eines Seminars sitzen an Einzeltischen und hören aufmerksam zu.
Structure of the leadership training

Every management team has its own individual strengths and correspondingly different potential that needs to be developed. That is why we offer you a whole range of modules from which you can choose. This allows you to put together an individualised training course for the managers in your institution.

I will gladly advise you. Simply send me an e-mail and we will arrange a meeting.

Only the first module “Leadership & Personality” is set and is a prerequisite for all other modules. Here you will learn the foundation of modern leadership and how to assess the strengths and potential of your employees.

Corporate Workflow

01Initial consultation

Send me an e-mail with your inquiry.

02Individual consultation

I will advise you on your inquiry by phone or online call.

03Module selection

You select training modules for your management team.

06Conducting the training

I carry out the tailor-made training for you.

05Providing the location

You organise a training location.

04Finding a date

I coordinate the necessary dates with you.


We evaluate your success together.

Please feel free to contact us. The Crown Coaching team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Advanced modules

freely selectable in a 4 or 6-module package

The basic module ‘Leadership & Personality’ is the fundamental starting point of our leadership training in the healthcare sector. It imparts basic knowledge and skills that are essential for modern managers. This module is mandatory for all participants. Following this, four to five advanced modules can be selected, depending on individual needs and objectives. These supplementary modules enable specific consolidation and expansion of leadership skills. Each module comprises two intensive training days and is designed for groups of 12 to 18 participants to ensure an optimal learning atmosphere and individual support.

Leadership & Personality

The compulsory basic module

Option 1

4-module package of advanced, freely selectable supplementary modules

Option 2

6-module package of advanced, freely selectable supplementary modules

Leadership & Personality

The compulsory basic module

Option 1

4-module package of advanced, freely selectable supplementary modules

Option 2

6-module package of advanced, freely selectable supplementary modules

Leadership & Personality

The basic module

Leadership competence means reacting individually and appropriately. In this first module, you will learn the basics of personality psychology to effectively manage and motivate yourself and your employees.

You will learn to assess situations correctly and behave accordingly. Building on your approach to responsibility, you will learn how to promote responsibility among your employees. At the end of this module, you will have created your own individual development plan, which will form the basis for further training units.

More about the module

Communication is an important aspect of professional leadership. With simple means such as scenic representation, feedback or self-reflection, insights can be gained here that make everyday management easier. At the end of the training, participants will know which communication they can use to encourage or hinder their employees’ personal responsibility. In everyday working life, managers often demotivate their teams without meaning to. We will analyse these processes so that this classic leadership mistake no longer needs to be repeated.

Personal experiences and life circumstances not only shape character but also determine an individual’s basic understanding and expectations. This makes every situation unique. What motivates and energises one employee may be perceived as an insult or demotion by another. The four personality types will make it easier for you to recognise the profile of the person you are talking to and to focus your leadership on their strengths. Learn to understand the different reactions and behaviour patterns of your colleagues and employees and demonstrate real leadership skills.

Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes in einer blauen Jacke sitzt im Park und blickt lächelnd in die Kamera.
Dozent/in Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes
Dauer 2 Tage
Teilnehmeranzahl 12
Basismodul verpflichtender Einstieg für Ergänzungsmodule
In this module you will learn and train:

to correctly assess yourself and others
the importance of responsibility and how to deal with it correctly
how to motivate employees
to create an individual development plan
to manage and motivate yourself

Supplementary modules

Choose the right modules!

We have always had the best experience in acquiring and implementing leadership skills when the training is interprofessional. Here, everyday topics can be dealt with immediately and uncertainties, misunderstandings or dissatisfaction can be reconciled. In special cases, you can also put together a module system for your professional group. However, a mix of all professions is always preferable.

All the modules presented here can also be booked individually for your organisation’s management team. Prof. Tewes and her team are happy to offer these training sessions on-site. In order to guarantee you the highest possible proportion of practice and exercises, you should limit the
number of participants for each module. At the end of each training course, you will be able to apply what you have learnt directly in your day-to-day work. Successful participation in the “Leadership & Personality” basic training programme is a prerequisite for participation in the advanced training programme.

You are probably familiar with the situation where you have given clear instructions but the result does not meet your expectations in any way. The result is rework, amendment, time pressure – stress. Where did it go wrong?

Communicating means talking, listening and understanding. However, other important factors play a key role in addition to aspects such as the verbal message, the right tone of voice and body language.

What expectations do the dialogue partners have? What goals are you pursuing with the conversation and what experiences characterize the basic understanding of what is being said?
In this module, you will reflect on your own communication. Using conversation analyses, your verbal and non-verbal expressions will be examined for room for improvement. You will practise different forms of conversation in practical exercises and immediately put what you have learnt into practice. Reduce stress through professional communication.

Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes in einer blauen Jacke sitzt im Park und blickt lächelnd in die Kamera.
Dozent/in Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes
Dauer 2 Tage
Teilnehmeranzahl 2
Basismodul verpflichtender Einstieg für Ergänzungsmodule
In this module you will learn and train:

professional communication by managers
the basics of practical communication models and their application
the use of emotional intelligence in a targeted manner
how to formulate expectations clearly and directly

Appreciation and respect, even reverence, are strong emotions that are shown to emotionally intelligent managers in particular. This results in a higher acceptance by the employees, greater commitment and fewer conflicts within the team.

Management work is emotional work. It also involves social and communicative aspects in daily interactions. The scientist Ap Dijksterhuis (2007) took an active interest in the decision-making methods of managers and analysed them in terms of their success. In his study, he divided managers into three groups and compared their methods. While the first group thought about the problem for a long time, the second group decided spontaneously on instinct. The third group, however, first collected all the facts on the subject, slept on it for three nights and finally decided intuitively. As part of the study, Dijksterhuis was able to prove that the third group was the most successful in their decisions. Therefore the right combination of factual knowledge and intuition is the key.

The substantial success of emotionally intelligent leadership lies in the fact that it involves many levels of human behaviour. This makes it a good means of combating employee dissatisfaction and staff turnover. Only managers who succeed in retaining their employees emotionally have a chance of countering the increasing staff shortage.
Emotionally intelligent leadership is a behaviour that can be learned and with which you can familiarise yourself during the training.

Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes in einer blauen Jacke sitzt im Park und blickt lächelnd in die Kamera.
Dozent/in Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes
Dauer 2 Tage
Teilnehmeranzahl 12
Basismodul verpflichtender Einstieg für Ergänzungsmodule
In this module, you will learn and train:

Reflection on your own role model function
Activation of competencies in the team
Emotionally competent communication
Confident decision-making skills
Practical exercises for direct application

Do you have to consider personal sensitivities when planning your personnel for the sake of peace and quiet? Wouldn’t you be much more effective with a strong team that also functions as such?

Leadership competence means recognising team dynamics and managing them effectively. In the team development module, you will first work out your own strengths. How do you succeed in strengthening your team and where is there (unconscious) potential for mistakes?

You will deal with closeness and distance to the team and clarify the question of what makes a successful team.

You will work on the following topics:

Group dynamic basics
Team development methods
What makes teamwork successful and what you should avoid?
Analyse and meaningfully influence team cultures

Dealing with stress professionally becomes an important basis for achieving job satisfaction. Stress management occurs on 3 levels: cognitive, emotional and physical.

With the help of HeartMath technology, you can individually measure your stress level and influence it with appropriate breathing and visualisation exercises. The methods have been scientifically researched and the study results are impressive. Because with very simple methods, incredible progress can be achieved in a short time.

In the module, you train:

Analyse and change unhealthy leadership behaviour
Stress measurement via biofeedback
HeartMath methods for reducing stress
WLB and well-being research
Career satisfaction in nursing

Files are mixed up and patients are treated incorrectly. Nobody is ready to take responsibility and blame is the order of the day. A challenging scenario that can be resolved with the right actions.

How can you as a leader have a positive influence on the working atmosphere in your team? How do you awaken the dormant team spirit? And which intervention procedures do you use to regulate the existing team dynamics successfully?

How do conflicts arise and how can they be prevented? In this module, you will learn how to avoid conflicts and how to deal professionally with existing conflicts and the respective conflict phase. You train immediate confrontation and various de-escalation strategies and test their effectiveness in different situations.

You will work on the following topics:

Training in dealing with conflicts, depending on the respective conflict phase
Prevention of conflicts
De-escalation strategies and their individual application
Professional conflict resolution

An organization is an association of people who pursue a common goal. Changes and developments are inevitable in this system. However, it is not uncommon for innovations to be met with resistance or even rejection.

The challenge now is to win everyone involved over to these changes and strengthen their willingness to do so. But to do this, an organization must first be understood as a complex system of existing processes and structures.

During the training, you will derive a multi-layered view of your organization using suitable techniques. Which parts are interweaved? Which processes depend on each other? In this module, you will also analyse the dynamics of organizations and the corresponding influence potential of managers.

In this module, you will analyse:

The complexity of an organization and the possibilities of influence
Development of organizations
Organizational dynamics
The strength and might of corporate culture
Dealing with responsibility

A nurse becomes pregnant. This lack of strength must be compensated for within the team. How do you proceed? An elderly patient is supposed to be transferred to a home postoperatively, but she resists this. What do you do? The next care rate negotiation is ahead of you. What is your strategy?

Negotiations are particularly successful when the desired goal is clear and the arguments are systematically prepared. As a basic requirement for the practical exercises, you will learn about negotiation strategies and how to use them correctly. In these exercises, you will practice the argumentative structure of your negotiations.

The second part of the training deals with the preparation and follow-up of meetings as well as professional meeting management. They use proven techniques to achieve the best possible results with effective use of time.

In this module, you will train:

Preparation and follow-up of negotiations
Sensible use of negotiation strategies
Systematic structure of arguments
Organizing the negotiation process and dealing with negotiation dynamics
Preparation and follow-up of meetings
Leading a meeting

Unclear roles lead to stress, mistakes and dissatisfaction for everyone involved in everyday working life. Those affected are often not even aware of how “between the chairs” they are in terms of roles.

Keeping an eye on your own profession and helping to develop it enables a higher degree of personal self-control and influence. Both have an impact on your professional satisfaction. Therefore moving away from “something should be done” to “I will use my influence and move things forward”. A posture work that strengthens self-confidence and personal responsibility.

In this module, you will train:

Clarification of roles using self-reflective procedures
Methods of decision making
Methods of influencing
Professional analysis
Strategic professional development (evidence-based and theory-driven)

Please feel free to contact us. The Crown Coaching team will get back to you as soon as possible.

More suggestions for you

Crown Coaching International

Training of executives in the healthcare sector

Crown Coaching International, led by Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes, specializes in leadership training in the healthcare sector. With over 15 years of experience, Renate Tewes guides companies and managers through change processes based on the motto “Change is in us, just discover”. Our services include coaching, consulting and training in areas such as de-escalation management, bullying prevention, stress management and effective time management.

Operating internationally in Germany, the USA, Ireland, England and Italy, our focus is on strengthening and developing leadership skills. Our logo, the crown, symbolizes our conviction: Successful leadership requires mutual respect and the recognition of human dignity. Our values -clever, resource-oriented, well-founded and nurturing – form the foundation of our actions and are reflected in our training concept.


Frequently asked questions about the training (FAQ)

In the first module “Leadership & Personality” you will learn the basics of modern leadership and how to avoid typical mistakes. Even managers with many years of experience often comment on this module with the words “I wish I had known that earlier”. All later modules build on the content of this first module, making it a requirement for further training.

It is advisable to allow 2-3 months between each individual module to implement the content. This ensures that the knowledge acquired from the training also finds its way into everyday management. If you book 6 modules you will get around a year of training time.

Yes, that is possible.

You decide for yourself where the training of your management team should take place and agree on the time and place with me or my colleagues.

How can we support you?

At Crown Coaching, we specialize in empowering healthcare leaders. To find out how we can support you in your role, we invite you to contact us. Please describe your request briefly in your e-mail. This will enable us to prepare for an initial telephone call with you. We look forward to getting to know you and working out together how we can achieve tangible progress in your institution in particular. We will get back to you as soon as possible. The Crown Coaching team looks forward to hearing from you!

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