Emotionally intelligent leadership

Your secret to success as a manager: your emotional intelligence!

Imagine never having to worry about the working atmosphere and employee loyalty in your organisation again.

Because it’s easy for you,

  • To promote a sense of unity and cohesion in your team,
  • To motivate your employees to perform at their best,
  • To resolve conflicts quickly,
  • To master your management tasks in a more relaxed manner.

While other managers are still plagued by team quarrels, employee frustration, performance and staff shortages.

The secret of your success: your emotional intelligence!

You can now train this effectively and sustainably in a seminar specifically for managers in the healthcare sector.

What does emotional intelligence mean?

Emotional intelligence describes the ability to correctly perceive, understand and influence one’s own and other people’s feelings. Intelligence, emotions and feelings are actually opposites in our perception. Those who act emotionally follow their gut feeling. Those who act intelligently use their head and mind.

In the 1990s, US scientists brought these areas together. People with a strong emotional intelligence can put themselves in other people’s shoes and perfectly assess the effect of their own words and body language on others.

Managers who can correctly classify their own behaviour can lead teams better and use their empathy to routinely handle tricky situations. They know how to motivate their team and react appropriately to hidden messages. This makes them more efficient and more effective than others.

Why is emotional intelligence essential for leadership?

A lack of emotional intelligent leadership skills can cloud the working atmosphere and reduce motivation to zero. The result: good employees leave for the competition. Managers who still lead with pressure “from above” instead of cooperating on an equal footing lose out in the battle for capable specialists. This makes emotional competence essential for managers when dealing with employees.

Emotionally intelligent managers manage to maintain team spirit in the long term. They have a great deal of empathy and know how to recognize and promote the hidden potential of each individual. You know that satisfied and loyal staff are the capital of your practice or facility. Whether employees feel at home with you in the long term depends on your management skills.

If motivation and staff loyalty in your establishment are suffering, you can now help them to recover with your emotional leadership skills, before the low mood and performance is transferred to the patients, your best employees leave to the competition and your facility suffers serious financial damage.

Learn in leadership training what you missed out on at university!

Expert knowledge alone does not make a successful manager. It takes empathy, communication skills and understanding to keep your team together and support them in the long term. In traditional medical, nursing and administration courses, emotional leadership skills are only dealt with sparingly or not at all. The fact that expert knowledge and intelligence alone are not enough to lead successfully and communicate interprofessionally was already addressed by Edward Lee Thorndike in the 1920s. Thorndike showed why the best mechanic will fail as a manager as long as he lacks social intelligence.

Emotional competence is more relevant today than ever. In 2017, the Federal Constitutional Court dealt with the question of whether the physician with the best NC must necessarily become a good physician – and ultimately whether the course should be opened up to applicants with a poorer NC.

Dr. Tewes: “Qualified and well-performing institutions are no longer satisfied with just looking at grades. Even the British secret service (MI 6) rates trustworthiness higher than performance when it comes to managers. On the contrary, they call superiors with a high performance orientation and a lack of trustworthiness “toxic leaders” and therefore have “no career opportunities” at MI 6.

The question remains:

How can emotional intelligence be successfully promoted?

The seminar for managers in the healthcare sector strengthens your emotional competence! Crown Coaching International specializes in training managers in the healthcare sector.
CROWN is an abbreviation for

  • Clever
  • Resource-Oriented
  • Well-founded and
  • Nurturing.

Crown Coaching International’s leadership training supports your organization in making your managers fit for the demands of today and tomorrow. The seminar for emotional leadership skills is one of the central contents. Our coaches will visit your facility after discussing the content and time frame. All training modules build on each other. All seminars are organized in a practical way and offer you enough freedom to practice and try things out.

“An emotionally intelligent world is a better world. After these two days of training, I felt powerful and inspired. It will keep me busy for weeks to work through the content presented. We humans are miracles, I realized that once again here. Dear Ms. Tewes, thank you very much for your work. I am glad that I had the opportunity.”
Tina Tschenker // Head of the training support department at the youth welfare office

Do you have any questions and would like more information?
Get in touch with us.

Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes in einer blauen Jacke sitzt im Park und blickt lächelnd in die Kamera.

Prof. Dr. Renate Tewes is a renowned psychologist and nursing scientist with a passion for promoting healthy collaboration and strengthening emotional intelligence in leadership roles. As a coach, she supports her clients with customized strategies to master the challenges of modern health management.

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