Prof. Dr. Phil. Stephan Rusch ✝

Organizational and personnel development, project management, bullying/bossing, violence in the workplace | Bremen
About the person

Dr. phil. Stephan Rusch received his doctorate from the Graduate School of the WISO Faculty in the Department of Social Economics at the University of Hamburg, was a work and organizational psychologist (M.A.) and a graduate in administration. His personal focus was bullying and bossing in the workplace.

Our esteemed colleague Stephan Rusch died unexpectedly in July 2023.


We mourn the loss of our highly valued colleague and friend Prof. Dr. Stephan Rusch.

He died suddenly and unexpectedly on a vacation trip. Stephan loved to travel and, together with his wife, discovered many beautiful and exciting places in the world. He enjoyed this last trip and sent us many beautiful pictures and words of deep satisfaction before his heart just stopped.

Stephan was very popular with our business partners. With his many years of experience as a police officer and his scientific knowledge as a psychologist, he was able to convey the issues close to his heart particularly clearly. He dealt with violence in our society in a variety of ways. He was particularly interested in helping people who were exposed to various forms of violence. He developed concepts against bullying and bossing, which he put into practical use in organisations. The managers and employees were always impressed by his committed interest and his incredible ability to bring about change in organizations. In this way, he not only helped the facilities to have a better working atmosphere but also developed effective communication rules with those involved, with which approaches to bullying or bossing could be identified at an early stage and addressed preventively.

Working with Stephan was always particularly fun because he seemed to approach everything he did with great passion and always inspired us with his conviction that he wanted to do good.

He never just wanted to name the world’s problems but always worked to solve them. Consequently, his discussion of the topic of stress management became a workbook for apprenticeship, further education and advanced training, which is often used in the education system.

In his publication on the subject of abuse of power, he also focused on interventions and practical prevention of leadership power. No wonder his book “Identifying and preventing Bad Leadership and Bossing – abuse of power in companies” became a bestseller.

We miss Stephan not only as a colleague but as a true friend. With his humour and his irrepressible power, he often made us laugh and think. With his curiosity to get to the bottom of things, he often inspired us to take unusual paths to knowledge.

We are grateful for these intensive years of collaboration.

Bad Leadership und Bossing

Das Thema Führung wird häufig heroisiert. Die „dunkle Seite“ der Führung und ihre Folgen jedoch bleiben oft unbeachtet. Dabei geht es um mehr: Mit „Bossing“ erniedrigen und entindividualisieren Führungskräfte ihre Mitarbeiter, um Kontrolle und Macht über sie auszuüben – zum Schaden der Betroffenen und des gesamten Unternehmens.

Den weitreichenden Schattenseiten der Macht in Form von „Bad Leadership“ und „Bossing“ widmet sich Stephan Rusch mit viel Praxisbezug.

  • Woran erkennt man destruktive Führung, wie entsteht sie und wie geraten Mitarbeiter auf die „Abschussliste“ des Chefs?
  • Was müssen Führungskräfte wissen, um Machtmissbrauch im Unternehmen zu unterbinden?
  • Was sind die Folgen für die Beteiligten, die Mitspieler, das Unternehmen und die Gesellschaft?
  • Welche Präventions- und Interventions-Strategien gibt es, um „Bossing“ gegenzusteuern?

Fallvignetten, Beispiele, Interviewauszüge, Selbsttests und weitere Tools unterstützen Sie beim zielgerichteten Umgang mit dem Phänomen – und der Entwicklung einer lebendigen, konstruktiven Führungskultur.

How can we support you?

At Crown Coaching, we specialize in empowering healthcare leaders. To find out how we can support you in your role, we invite you to contact us. Please describe your request briefly in your e-mail. This will enable us to prepare for an initial telephone call with you. We look forward to getting to know you and working out together how we can achieve tangible progress in your institution in particular. We will get back to you as soon as possible. The Crown Coaching team looks forward to hearing from you!

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