Barbara Greene, MPH has her Master’s in Public Health from the University of Minnesota (USA) and currently focuses on three unique health care arenas to improve the lives of populations and individuals.
Barbara Greene
Sensibilisierung von Führungskräften im Gesundheitswesen für die multikulturelle Vielfalt im Umgang mit Patienten und Mitarbeitern | Minneapolis, USA
zur Person
Coaching focuses
- Sensibilisierung von Führungskräften im Gesundheitswesen für die multikulturelle Vielfalt im Umgang mit Patienten und Mitarbeitern
- Kulturtransfer für Menschen aus anderen Kulturen, die sich nicht äußern können, als wesentliche Voraussetzung für den Genesungsprozess
Currently focuses
- The Giving Voice Initiative, a national organized program which changes the perception of persons living with Alzheimer’s from one of continual decline to one of living with joy through involvement of singing in conductor-lead choruses with challenging music. These creative choruses are reducing the stigma of living with Alzheimer’s. The choruses demonstrate that many persons living with Alzheimer’s can continue to demonstrate their innate creativity and can share the gifts of music with their families and communities. The power of the Giving Voice Initiative in changing perceptions about living with Alzheimer’s has been featured on national S. news and is spreading throughout North America through learning communities, national media and publications.
- The University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health Mentorship program which celebrates the power of bringing together skilled public health professionals with master’s level public health students in meaningful, creative relationships. Skilled public health professionals and students support each other and share challenges and opportunities across generations and cultural backgrounds. This program is one of the largest public health mentorship programs in the country.
- The Minnesota Oral Health Project strives to reduce health care disparities among populations – particularly immigrant/refugee and those economically challenged – through engaging communities in learning opportunities about children’s dental health. The project is currently providing additional training to public health nurses and community health workers who will serve as key educators for diverse populations, parents and families.
- “A New Generation of Advance Care Planning: Honoring Choices Minnesota”. Minnesota Coalition for Death Education and Support; December 2015.
- “Students Improve Advance Care Planning Skills in Spring Student-Led Symposium”; MetroDoctors, July-August 2014, p. 25
- “Multicultural Advance Care Planning: Perspectives from the Field”; Miguel Ruiz, MD and Barbara Greene, MPH; Minnesota Physician, Vol. 27, No. 7. October 2013. - NHPCO Inclusion & Access Toolbox (2007). National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Alexandria, VA. Die Toolbox ist eine Sammlung von Vorschlägen und erfolgsversprechenden Ideen, die auf Erfahrungen verschiedener Hospizeinrichtungen in den USA basieren. Es geht um die Sensibilisierung für Menschen in ihrer Vielfalt in Hinsicht auf ihre Bildung, soziale Unterschiede, sexuelle Prägungen, physische Besonderheiten und vieles mehr.
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